Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Fleurs de Provence"

I've been remodeling my house for a long time. The main floor is in pretty good shape now, but the upstairs... not so much. I'm working on it. It takes time and tons of money... so its a rather slow process! Here's a peek at my first completed bedroom...

I bought this print on All It cost three times as much to frame it as it did to buy it... LOL  I like the "pop" of color

   This is a small bedroom but I managed this little settee in the corner.
Variegated throw - T J Maxx

Found a "killer" deal at Pottery Barn Kids on this grey desk and perused through 
TJ Maxx for accessories

The antique iron bed I have had for years.

Actually the floor length mirror and the two hydrangea wreaths came first. It was so different than anything I had and I was excited to break out of my rut! Before I even realized it I was in full blown lavender mode... not a color I ever thought I would use. Still, I'm pleased!

The BED... can you have too many pillow?  

Mirror - Pottery Barn
Dishes - Martha Stewart  

 Sheets - Pottery Barn Kids
Down Lavender pillows - TJ Maxx
Quilt - Target's "Shabby Chic" collection

Just three more bedroom, three baths and a family room to go.  All it takes is time and $$$

Sunday, July 20, 2014


The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and 

The video actually starts at 1 min 48 seconds... not sure why :)

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir located in Salt Lake City performs locally once a week, tours national and international every couple of years and puts on special holiday concerts. 

In Utah, the 24th of July is also known and "Pioneer Day"  the day we celebrate the pioneers arriving in our valley. 

This concert was performed in conjunction with that celebration and includes the guest artist  SANTINO FONTANA. His amazing voice is a well known from the Broadway production of Cinderella and recently it has been celebrated as the voice of Prince Hans in the movie FROZEN. 

The concert, just over an hour, begins with a couple of pioneer songs and then explodes into a medley of Broadway and Disney favorites. The finale will blow you out of the water!


Just one more little song... I'm in love with his voice!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Tending grandkids this week... its wonderful and exhausting. I took six of them to the swimming pool yesterday. I must have counted noses a million times. 

They had fun and I'm hanging in there but I don't know if I have the energy to post for a couple of days.  See you when I surface :)

I'm lucky to be a grandma!

Hold that pose please!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I think I love handbags more than I love shoes!

Michael Kors leather and calf-hair handbag

I don't have "buyers remorse" but I do have a twinge of guilt. Still I have wanted and waited and perused the market for a long time, looking for just the right animal print. When I found this.... SNAP! I purchased it online so I haven't held it in my hands yet but I am hopeful it will be love at first sight.

The description said "Cheetah" but it looks more like "Leopard" to me.  Either way I'm jumping up and down excited for it to arrive.

Can you name your cats?

Help me out... I can only name ten. From top to bottom... snow leopard, panther, leopard, cheetah, lion, jaguar, tiger, clouded leopard, lynx and ocelot. If you can fill in the rest I'd love to hear it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"The fire that changed America"

In the early 1900s New York City was burgeoning with immigrants who were eager to start a new life and desperate to find work. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was located on the top three floors of the Asch building in Manhattan and employed over 600 workers, most were young Jewish and Italian immigrant girls who did not speak English.

The Shirtwaist Factory was a true "sweatshop" where the girls worked at sewing machines that were cramped into long rows and were paid by the piece for their work. 

The owners of this factory, Max Blanck and Isaac Harris were notorious for their anti-worker policies. These young girls earned between $7.00 to $14.00 for a seven day work week that included 14 hour days. A sign over the elevator read ... 

"If you don't come in on Sunday, don't come in on Monday"

Blanck and Harris

Between 1902 and 1910 Harris and Blanck "torched" their business twice and collected the fire insurance money. All who worked there were well aware of the danger of fire but because of corruption in the garment industry little or no precautions were taken. 

The two owners refused to put in any kind of sprinkling system and although there were four elevator in the building only one was operational. In an attempt to curb any theft by the workers the owners insisted that the outside doors of the building were locked at the beginning of the workday. There was a fire escape but it was very narrow and would prove to be useless.

All of this set the stage for the horrific tragedy that happened on March 25, 1911

A fire started in one of the rag bins and attempts to extinguish it failed because of a rotted rusted hose. 

Girls fled to the stairways only to find themselves trapped behind the locked doors. The fire ladders only reached the 7th floor and the fire began on the 8th. Overcome by their plight, many workers jumped to their deaths. Those who did escape went up to the roof and crawled onto another building. 

The city watched in horror as 146 people lost their lives, 123 of them were young women, most of those teenagers. Both Harris and Blanck survived.

The owners escaped prosecution but the awful massacre propelled city leaders to legislate reforms.

Within two years thirty new laws were enacted that addressed child labor, workplace conditions and minimum wages. The Shirtwaist fire is remembered as the most infamous incident in American Industrial history.

Women would play an important part in the formation of labor unions and reforming work conditions. "We've come a long way baby"


by Margaret Peterson Haddix tells the story of three young immigrant girls caught in the fire that changed America. It is a must read!


The popular shirtwaist was a blouse modeled after a menswear shirt. It was touted as the attire for the independent working woman. 

It was offered in an array of colors and by the beginning of the 20th century designers had embellished it with lace and frills. A fashionable woman would have many shirtwaists and no two were ever the same.

Monday, July 14, 2014


I will admit that I am vain. I always have been. I don't leave the house without my hair and make-up done and clothes that match.  Imagine my shock when I arrived on my camping trip and discovered that my make-up bag never made it to my suit case. So much for "glamping" There was... a moment of panic. 

I knew the hair situation was not going to be good but I was counting on a little cream concealer and a touch of mascara.  NOT!

Thank goodness I brought my big hat with an immense orange flower on it. Everywhere I went people commented about the flower and that gave me a sense of anonymity... they were looking at the flower not me. 

Surprisingly after a few days I forgot myself and realized nobody cared what I looked like. What a freeing thought. Not only did I have the time of my life but on future camping trips.... I won't even pack my make-up bag.  I think the phrase is "au naturel"

Watch these brave girls get natural!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


"Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free, and realizing you were the prisoner."  Max Lucado

Forgiveness seems to be something that is universally difficult for all of us. Here are two stories where the act of forgiving healed not just the receiver but the giver.

After World War II it was not surprising that there was bitterness between the people of the Netherlands and the people of Germany. It had even effected the close knit Mormon members in both countries.

Then something miraculous happened that touched the hearts and lives of everyone.  Listen to this true account.

passed away July 2, 2014

The world lost a true hero last week with the passing of Louis Zamperini, Olympic athlete, bomber pilot and survivor. His story is told in the book UNBROKEN and a soon to be released major motion picture. 

Zamperini is remarkable for many reasons, one of the greatest being his ability to forgive those who were so cruel to him. Listen as he tells how  "forgiveness" saved his life.